Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Powered by Americans

Welcome to AmericanPP,

We are glad you have stopped by! These are interesting times we are living in in the United States of America. Even with the good that Americans have done over the years it seems a negative view is taken regarding everything American. We believe that this is not only an oversimplification, but it is wrong at its core. We believe you do not elevate yourself by tearing down others, for far too long folks talking the loudest, complaining the most and always blaming others for their actions and for all that is wrong in our country. They do this without ever acknowledging the positive influences and actions taken by everyday Americans in their local and state communities. We strive to get better everyday, without killing each other. However, if we are not a country of laws and law abiding citizens, then constant strife, threats, riots, criminal activity and discontent is allowed to fester. The past cannot be undone, cannot blame current generations for past generations, that leads to bad things. Really bad things.

This will not be how our site is operated. We discuss facts, we do not discuss race, gender, personal preferences, private matters, or your feelings. There are many sites on the internet, both controlled and agenda filled for you to vent and visit for those reasons. Our site is to celebrate America and too bring attention to those who do not celebrate America but attempt to bait us into blaming each other for many of the failures of those in leadership or running an agency. We can’t correct everything, but good is good and evil is evil, much more prevalent than we would all believe. Let’s protect the children, let’s end human trafficking that is ignored in today’s society, let’s stop elevating ourselves by demeaning others. Let’s become law abiding citizens and yes, we do believe we would be better off within the framework of the ten commandments. Have you actually read them?

There is no other country on this planet like the United States of America, it is a Republic for a reason, mainly democracies always lead to domination by those with 51%, all you need to realize that is certain state legislatures that have changed the fabric of the country by having 51% of the vote and doing whatever they want with a disregard to the Constitution, that pesky document that protects us all, even when powerful people attempt to diminish it, fail to adhere to their oath to it and attack others while doing so.

Visit the link above and consider joining our peaceful attempts to save our Republic for all future generations, and let’s protect the kids, so there is a future generation. Even though it seems like certain people will live forever, we can confidently say, none of us is getting out of this world alive. Dust shall return to dust. It’s what we do in the meantime to better our country that we would like to focus on. Let’s begin after the New Year. May you have a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays in the way you celebrate this time of year, and all the best in the New Year for all Americans and those who wish to become Americans. We do have a great country, and we can do better, together!


News on actions taken and inaction by Federal Government leaders and agencies…


News on actions taken and inaction by State Government leaders and agencies…


News on actions taken and inaction by Local Government leaders and agencies…

School Boards

News on actions taken and inaction by Local School Boards, State Departments of Education and Federal Department of Education, leaders and agencies…

Politician Statements

News on actions taken and inaction by Politicians and their Statements…

Media Statements

News on actions taken and inaction by Local, State, National Media outlets…

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